Results for 'Jane Q. Yap'

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  1.  4
    Building Better Medicine: Translational Justice and the Quest for Equity in US Healthcare.Megan A. Allyse, Preya Agam, Yvonne Bombard, Roel Feys, McKenna Horstmann, Assata Kokayi, Rosario Isasi, Karen M. Meagher, Marsha Michie, Kiran Musunuru, Kelly E. Ormond, Kirsten A. Riggan & Jane Q. Yap - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics:1-15.
    Despite considerable scientific progress and the evolution of regulatory pathways to ensure safety and efficacy, US healthcare continues to see increasing health disparities. This suggests that clinical translation in of itself cannot be the only measure of its own success, especially when the most marginalized patients, are neglected in the development and implementation of medical innovations. This raises the question of whether a system that is narrowly focused on technical achievement can meet the moral obligations of medicine and public health. (...)
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    Grounded in Reality: Integrating Community Values and Priorities of End Users in Human Gene Editing.Kirsten A. Riggan, Roel Feys, Assata Kokayi, Karen M. Meagher, Marsha Michie, Kiran Musunuru, Kelly E. Ormond, Andrea J. Schelhaas, Jane Q. Yap, Rosario Isasi & Megan A. Allyse - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (8):43-45.
    Volume 24, Issue 8, August 2024, Page 43-45.
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    The cadherin–catenin complex as a focal point of cell adhesion and signalling: new insights from three‐dimensional structures.Jane M. Gooding, Kyoko L. Yap & Mitsuhiko Ikura - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (5):497-511.
    Cadherins are a large family of single‐pass transmembrane proteins principally involved in Ca2+‐dependent homotypic cell adhesion. The cadherin molecules comprise three domains, the intracellular domain, the transmembrane domain and the extracellular domain, and form large complexes with a vast array of binding partners (including cadherin molecules of the same type in homophilic interactions and cellular protein catenins), orchestrating biologically essential extracellular and intracellular signalling processes. While current, contrasting models for classic cadherin homophilic interaction involve varying numbers of specific repeats found (...)
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  4. The biology of suffering.Natalia Murinova Daniel Krashin, Q. Howe Catherine & Jane Ballantyne - 2014 - In Ronald Michael Green & Nathan J. Palpant, Suffering and Bioethics. New York, US: Oup Usa.
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    The role of philosophy in the development and practice of nursing: Past, present and future.Miriam Bender, Pamela J. Grace, Catherine Green, Jane Hopkins-Walsh, Marit Kirkevold, Olga Petrovskaya, Esma D. Paljevic & Derek Sellman - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (4):e12363.
    This article summarizes a virtual live‐streamed panel event that occurred in August 2020 and was cosponsored by the International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS) and the University of California, Irvine's Center for Nursing Philosophy. The event consisted of a series of three self‐contained panel discussions focusing on the past, present and future of IPONS and was moderated by the current Chair of IPONS, Catherine Green. The first panel discussion explored the history of IPONS and the journal Nursing Philosophy. The second (...)
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    Public and Private Science: The King George III CollectionAlan Q. Morton Jane A. Wess.A. Simpson - 1996 - Isis 87 (1):181-182.
  7. Jane Austen and the Masturbating Girl.Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (4):818-837.
    There seems to be something self-evident—irresistibly so, to judge from its gleeful propagation—about the use of the phrase, “Jane Austen and the Masturbating Girl,” as the Q.E.D. of phobic narratives about the degeneracy of academic discourse in the humanities. But what? The narrative link between masturbation itself and degeneracy, though a staple of pre-1920s medical and racial science, no longer has any respectable currency. To the contrary: modern views of masturbation tend to place it firmly in the framework of (...)
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  8. Wondering about what you know.Avery Archer - 2018 - Analysis 78 (4):anx162.
    In a series of recent papers, Jane Friedman has argued that attitudes like wondering, enquiring, and suspending judgement are question-directed and have the function of moving someone from a position of ignorance to one of knowledge. Call such attitudes interrogative attitudes. Friedman insists that all IAs are governed by the following Ignorance Norm: Necessarily, if one knows Q at t, then one ought not have an IA towards Q at t. However, I argue that key premisses in Friedman’s argument (...)
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  9. Agnosticism, Inquiry, and Unanswerable Questions.Avery Archer - 2019 - Disputatio 11 (53):63-88.
    In her paper “Why Suspend Judging?” Jane Friedman has argued that being agnostic about some question entails that one has an inquiring attitude towards that question. Call this the agnostic-as-inquirer thesis. I argue that the agnostic-as-inquirer thesis is implausible. Specifically, I maintain that the agnostic-as-inquirer thesis requires that we deny the existence of a kind of agent that plausibly exists; namely, one who is both agnostic about Q because they regard their available evidence as insufficient for answering Q and (...)
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    Values and Public Policy.Martin Allen, Henry J. Aaron & Thomas E. Mann - 1994 - Brookings Institution Press.
    It is not uncommon to hear that poor school performance, welfare dependancy, youth unemployment, and criminal activity result more from shortcomings in the personal makeup of individuals than from societal forces beyond their control. Are American values declining as so many suggest? And are those values at the root of many social problems today?Shaped by experience and public policies, people's values and social norms do change. What role can or should a democratic government play in shaping values? And how do (...)
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  11. Dynamic epistemic logic with branching temporal structures.Tomohiro Hoshi & Audrey Yap - 2009 - Synthese 169 (2):259 - 281.
    van Bentham et al. (Merging frameworks for interaction: DEL and ETL, 2007) provides a framework for generating the models of Epistemic Temporal Logic ( ETL : Fagin et al., Reasoning about knowledge, 1995; Parikh and Ramanujam, Journal of Logic, Language, and Information, 2003) from the models of Dynamic Epistemic Logic ( DEL : Baltag et al., in: Gilboa (ed.) Tark 1998, 1998; Gerbrandy, Bisimulations on Planet Kripke, 1999). We consider the logic TDEL on the merged semantic framework, and its extension (...)
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  12. The Aim of Inquiry.Avery Archer - 2021 - Disputatio 13 (61):95-119.
    I defend the thesis that the constitutive aim of inquiring into some question, Q, is improving one’s epistemic standing with respect to Q. Call this the epistemic-improvement view. I consider and ultimately reject two alternative accounts of the constitutive aim of inquiry—namely, the thesis that inquiry aims at knowledge and the thesis that inquiry aims at belief—and I use my criticisms as a foil for clarifying and motivating the epistemic-improvement view. I also consider and reject a pair of normative theses (...)
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  13. Theory-Theory and the Direct Perception of Mental States.Jane Suilin Lavelle - 2012 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 3 (2):213-230.
    Philosophers and psychologists have often maintained that in order to attribute mental states to other people one must have a ‘theory of mind’. This theory facilitates our grasp of other people’s mental states. Debate has then focussed on the form this theory should take. Recently a new approach has been suggested, which I call the ‘Direct Perception approach to social cognition’. This approach maintains that we can directly perceive other people’s mental states. It opposes traditional views on two counts: by (...)
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  14. Credibility Excess and the Social Imaginary in Cases of Sexual Assault.Audrey S. Yap - 2017 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 3 (4):1-24.
    Open Access: This paper will connect literature on epistemic injustice with literature on victims and perpetrators, to argue that in addition to considering the credibility deficit suffered by many victims, we should also consider the credibility excess accorded to many perpetrators. Epistemic injustice, as discussed by Miranda Fricker, considers ways in which someone might be wronged in their capacity as a knower. Testimonial injustice occurs when there is a credibility deficit as a result of identity-prejudicial stereotypes. However, criticisms of Fricker (...)
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    The impact of culture on mindreading.Jane Suilin Lavelle - 2019 - Synthese 198 (7):6351-6374.
    The role of culture in shaping folk psychology and mindreading has been neglected in the philosophical literature. This paper shows that there are significant cultural differences in how psychological states are understood and used by drawing on Spaulding’s recent distinction between the ‘goals’ and ‘methods’ of mindreading to argue that the relations between these methods vary across cultures; and arguing that differences in folk psychology cannot be dismissed as irrelevant to the cognitive architecture that facilitates our understanding of psychological states. (...)
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  16. The identity statuses: Origins, meanings, and interpretations.Jane Kroger & James E. Marcia - 2011 - In Seth J. Schwartz, Koen Luyckx & Vivian L. Vignoles, Handbook of identity theory and research. New York: Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 31--53.
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  17. Mind, Reason and Imagination: Selected Essays in Philosophy of Mind and Language.Jane Heal - 2003 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Recent philosophy of mind has had a mistaken conception of the nature of psychological concepts. It has assumed too much similarity between psychological judgments and those of natural science and has thus overlooked the fact that other people are not just objects whose thoughts we may try to predict and control but fellow creatures with whom we talk and co-operate. In this collection of essays, Jane Heal argues that central to our ability to arrive at views about others' thoughts (...)
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  18. Mindreading and Social Cognition.Jane Suilin Lavelle - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    The cognitive ability to think about other people's psychological states is known as `mindreading'. This Element critiques assumptions that have been formative in shaping philosophical theories of mindreading: that mindreading is ubiquitous, underpinning the vast majority of our social interactions; and that its primary goal is to provide predictions and explanations of other people's behaviour. It begins with an overview of key positions and empirical literature in the debate. It then introduces and motivates the pluralist turn in this literature, which (...)
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  19. Contrastive explanation and the many absences problem.Jane Suilin Lavelle, George Botterill & Suzanne Lock - 2013 - Synthese 190 (16):3495-3510.
    We often explain by citing an absence or an omission. Apart from the problem of assigning a causal role to such apparently negative factors as absences and omissions, there is a puzzle as to why only some absences and omissions, out of indefinitely many, should figure in explanations. In this paper we solve this ’many absences problem’ by using the contrastive model of explanation. The contrastive model of explanation is developed by adapting Peter Lipton’s account. What initially appears to be (...)
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  20. Moral Testimony and Moral Understanding.McShane Paddy Jane - 2018 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 15 (3):245-271.
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  21. Dedekind and Cassirer on Mathematical Concept Formation†.Audrey Yap - 2014 - Philosophia Mathematica 25 (3):369-389.
    Dedekind's major work on the foundations of arithmetic employs several techniques that have left him open to charges of psychologism, and through this, to worries about the objectivity of the natural-number concept he defines. While I accept that Dedekind takes the foundation for arithmetic to lie in certain mental powers, I will also argue that, given an appropriate philosophical background, this need not make numbers into subjective mental objects. Even though Dedekind himself did not provide that background, one can nevertheless (...)
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    Is a modular cognitive architecture compatible with the direct perception of mental states?Jane Suilin Lavelle - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:508-518.
  23. The Enchantment of Modern Life: Attachments, Crossings, and Ethics.Jane Bennett & Wendy Brown - 2001 - Political Theory 31 (3):461-470.
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    Less Theory, More Observation: A Response to Psychology's ‘Theory Crisis’.Jane Suilin Lavelle - 2024 - Philosophy 99 (4):639-665.
    There is a worry within psychology that its researchers experience too many degrees of freedom in formulating their hypotheses, resulting in experiments being designed to test implausible hypotheses which then do not successfully replicate. A popular diagnosis of this problem is that psychological theories are too vaguely specified, and that formalising them will add the constraints necessary to solve the problem. This paper argues for a different strategy, namely, for more theory-lite observational research to be conducted. This appears antithetical to (...)
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    Hogarth's madmen.Jane E. Kromm - 1985 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 48 (1):238-242.
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    The Feminization of Madness in Visual Representation.Jane E. Kromm - 1994 - Feminist Studies 20 (3):507.
  27. A Reply to Critics.Q. Skinner - 1988 - In James Tully, Meaning and context: Quentin Skinner and his critics. Cambridge, U.K.: Polity Press. pp. 233.
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    The Solarpunk Conference by From Imagination to Action (review).Ariel Kroon & Kees Schuller - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):634-640.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Solarpunk Conference by From Imagination to ActionAriel Kroon and Kees SchullerFrom Imagination to Action, The Solarpunk Conference, June 24, 2023, VirtualThe Solarpunk Conference was born out of the desire to see an accessible space dedicated to discussions of solarpunk. With solarpunk growing in popularity in both popular and academic circles, the need for such a space seemed obvious to the organizers. The organizers also felt the need (...)
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    The 6S‐model for person‐centred palliative care: A theoretical framework.Jane Österlind & Ingela Henoch - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (2):e12334.
    Palliative care is provided at a certain timepoint, both in a person's life and in a societal context. What is considered to be a good death can therefore vary over time depending on prevailing social values and norms, and the person's own view and interpretation of life. This means that there are many interpretations of what a good death can actually mean for an individual. On a more general level, research in palliative care shows that individuals have basic common needs, (...)
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  30. Distributive justice before the eighteenth century: The right of necessity.Siegfried Van Duffel & Dennis Yap - 2011 - History of Political Thought 32 (3):449-464.
    Until recently, few people would have doubted that the idea of distributive justice is old, indeed ancient. Several authors have now challenged this assumption. Most prominently, Samuel Fleischacker argued that distributive justice originates in the eighteenth century. If accurate, this would upset much of what we have taken for granted about an important part of the history of Western political thought. However, the thesis is manifestly flawed; and since it has already proven influential, it is important to set the record (...)
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  31. Ellen Gates Starr and Julia Lathrop: Hull House and Philosophy.Jane Duran - 2014 - The Pluralist 9 (1):1-13.
    Much work has recently been done on Jane Addams, her writings, and the general atmosphere and thought associated with Hull House and other settlement places in American cities.1 But although we might think of Addams and her work as the center of the Hull House effort, many other women (and a few men) were involved in the efforts, and the strengths that they brought to bear on the activities in Chicago in the early part of the twentieth century need (...)
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    Poaching on men's philosophies of rhetoric: Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century rhetorical theory by women.Jane Donawerth - 2000 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 33 (3):243-258.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 33.3 (2000) 243-258 [Access article in PDF] Poaching on Men's Philosophies of Rhetoric: Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Rhetorical Theory by Women Jane Donawerth Although their discussions have often been ignored in histories of rhetoric, women did participate in the development of philosophies of rhetoric in the eighteenth century and nineteenth century. 1 Most, like Hannah More, left to men preaching, politics, and law (the traditional genres (...)
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    Queenly Philosophers: Renaissance Women Aristocrats as Platonic Guardians.Jane Duran - 2017 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Much recent work has been done on Plato’s notion of the female Guardian, but examples are limited. Jane Duran argues that aristocratic women of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are indeed exemplary and embody the concept of Guardianship.
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    “My main job is to translate / pain into tales they can tolerate // in another language”: Women’s poetry and the health humanities.Jane Dowson - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (1):247-259.
    This article examines the contribution that poetry written over the last fifty years might make to the established and burgeoning field of Medical Humanities. It takes poems by women about cancer and depression as a case study of how they can offer insight into the impact of these conditions on the sufferer. Collectively, the poems document and effect shifts in knowledge about, and the associated stigmas concerning, illnesses that carry secrecy and shame, specifically cancer and depression. Additionally, drawing on Virginia (...)
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  35. Green consciousness: Earth-based myth and meaning in.Jane Caputi - 2007 - Ethics and the Environment 12 (2):23-44.
    : Green consciousness is a holistic worldview based in many ancient and still-current principles and wisdoms, holistic worldview, and one that offers alternative conceptions of human and non-human subjectivity, of humans' relationships with each other and with non-human nature. Its principles are elaborated not only in environmentalist philosophies but also in some forms of popular culture. Shrek retells ancient earth-based myth, specifically around its imagination of greenness as an emblem of the life force, its respect for the feminine principle, its (...)
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  36. Science and history in Leibniz.Q. Racionerocarmona - 1991 - Studia Leibnitiana 23 (1):57-78.
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    Frontmatter.Jane Bennett - 2001 - In The Enchantment of Modern Life: Attachments, Crossings, and Ethics. Princeton University Press.
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    The politics of moralizing.Jane Bennett & Michael J. Shapiro (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    Through postcolonial studies, indigenous perspectives are finally being heard, challenging various Western views of the world. However, these challenges are often made in the same moralizing voice as the original conlonizations were justified. In keeping with the moralizing-resistant perspectives of Foucault, Benjamin and Derrida The Politics of Moralizing issues a warning about the risks of speaking, writing and thinking in a manner too confident about you own judgments. Can a clear line be drawn between dogmatism and simple certainty and indignation? (...)
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    Contesting Constancy in The Merchant of Venice.Jane Blanchard - 2009 - Renascence 61 (4):209-220.
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  40. Embodied traditions: the Chachapoya and Inca ancestors.Jane E. Buikstra & Kenneth C. Nystrom - 2003 - In Robert J. Jeske & Douglas K. Charles, Theory, method, and practice in modern archaeology. Westport, CT: Praeger. pp. 1995--29.
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    Systems biology, synthetic biology and data-driven research: A commentary on Krohs, Callebaut, and O’Malley and Soyer.Jane Calvert - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (1):81-84.
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    The Power of Maps. Denis Wood, John Fels.Jane Camerini - 1994 - Isis 85 (1):129-130.
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    Introduction to Female Sexuality in Fascist Ideology.Jane Caplan - 1979 - Feminist Review 1 (1):59-66.
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    Teaching whiteness: A dialogue on embodied and affective approaches.Jane Chi Hyun Park & Sara Tomkins - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (3):288-297.
    Abstract‘Representing Race and Gender’ was the first course in the undergraduate curriculum of the Department of Gender and Cultural Studies at the University of Sydney to foreground race. This paper provides a critical reflection of our embodied and affective experiences teaching this course as women of different racial and cultural backgrounds (Korean American and Anglo Australian). We draw on feminist pedagogies to illuminate the strategic ways we have performed our own intersectional identities in lecture and tutorial spaces. In particular we (...)
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    The Gender Significance of Women in Power: British Women Talking about Margaret Thatcher.Jane Pilcher - 1995 - European Journal of Women's Studies 2 (4):493-508.
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  46. Chapter 26. Chen Yinke.Q. Edward Wang - 2023 - In Marnie Hughes-Warrington & Daniel Woolf, History from loss: a global introduction to histories written from defeat, colonization, exile and imprisonment. New York: Routledge.
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    China Encounters the World: In Memory of Zhang Zhilian.Q. Edward Wang - 2010 - Chinese Studies in History 43 (3):3-5.
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    Confucius in the May Fourth Era.Q. Edward Wang - 2017 - In Paul Rakita Goldin, A Concise Companion to Confucius. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. pp. 330–351.
    In the May Fourth era of the 1910s and 1920s, Confucius' image was associated closely with the conservative political forces that were increasingly regarded by many as the cause of the challenges the newly founded Republic was facing. With respect to Confucius, Hu Shi believed that the critical attitude engendered in the May Fourth era had brought Confucius down from a high pedestal and put him on a par with the contemporaries of his time. Hu Shi's main assessment of Confucius (...)
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  49. Dang dai li shi zhe xue he shi xue li lun: ren wu, pai bie, jiao dian = Philosophy of History and Historical Theory of Our Times: Figures, Schools and Issues.Q. Edward Wang - 2020 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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    The 1911 Revolution and the New Cultural History.Q. Edward Wang - 2012 - Chinese Studies in History 46 (1):3-5.
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